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The Meaning Of Codes And Symbols On The Electrode SMAW

Why to tagweld often use electrode E60xx while welding E70xx?
The following review will unlock the answers to the questions above.

Electrode or welding wire is an object that is used to conduct electric welding that serves as the burner that will cause the arc flame.

The electrodes, particularly those used welding SMAW (Shield Metal Arc Welding) or stick welding has a code or symbol in which the code meaning tensile strength, welding position and type of certain chemicals as a flux (flux read about in the post yesterday). Also with how the use of each type the welding wire.

Electrode have code specifications that we can see on the cardboard packaging.
According to the regulations American Welding Society (AWS), specification of welding wire wrapped for Mild Steel is set in AWS A5.1 marked with the letter 'E' and followed by a 4-digit .So AWS A5.5 for low alloy steel by adding four letters and which shows the numbers behind the alloying elements.

Read also:
About Electrode And Types of Welding SMAW

For more details, here 'How to Read Codes'  wire SMAW welding on some types of welding wire (electrode) below.

1. Electrode for Mild Steel

SMAW welding wire of this type is indicated by Exxxx code (4 digits).
For example welding wire E6012 , how to read are:

E = electrode for type SMAW
E60xx = first two digits (number 60) showed its strength in Ksi (kilopound-square-inch).The number 60 means that its strength of 60 ksi, if the number 70 means 70 ksi.If read in size 'psi (pounds square inch)' equal to 70000 psi, where 1 Ksi = 1000psi.
Exx1x = third digit (figure 1) is a welding position.
- code number 1 - for all positions
- code number 2 - for the flat and horizontal positions
EDP ​​number 3 - only for flat position.
Exxx2 = fourth digit (figure 2) shows:
- type of coating
- penetration bow
- ampere
- iron powder (%)

(More can be found in the tables)

Other examples such as the type of welding wire E 7018, it means:
- Electrodes,
- Tensile strength 70000 psi,
- Can be used all positions (flat, horizontal, vertical and overhead)
- Penetration welding being, AC / DC, membranes contain iron powder 25% -40%, low hydrogen.

With a tensile strength that is strong enough, the electrodes (welding wire) type E 70xx widely applied for welding pressure pipes, furnaces, and other construction.While kind E 60xx because of its appeal only 60.000 psi usually only for non tagweld and welding pressure, eg fences tralis and others.

2.Elektrode Low Alloy Steel

Specifications welding wire wrapped for Low Alloy Steel set on AWS A5.5.
With the same code as mild steel electrodes, followed by a line (dash) and the letters and numbers as an alloying element, namely:
A = added carbon elements molybdenum
B = added the element chromium molybdenum
C = added element of nickel steel
D = added element manganese molybdenum molybdenum
G = added other elements
R end code = indicates the resistance to vapor absorption (moisture pickup) (80% humidity, 80ºF, 9 hours).

Examples of electrodes include: E7018-H8R, E8018 - B2H4R and others.

How to read :
Welding E7018-H8R means strength 70 ksi, containing containing "powder iron-iron oxide-iron-iron oxide powder", contains little hydrogen (low hydrogen), resistance to moisture and to be used in the welding of mild steel.

Welding: E8018-B2H4R means strength 80 ksi, containing, iron powder of iron oxide, combined with chrome molly and low hydrogen, resistance to moisture and is used to weld alloy chrome molly steel.

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3.Elektrode Stainless Steel

Specifications welding wire wrapped for Stainless Steel is set in AWS A5.4.
Three (3) The first digit is the number of types AISI stainless steel.Then followed by lines and 2 numbers. Example: E316-16, E308-16, E309-16 and others.
Two points behind means:
- Figures 15 = layer contains CaO, TiO2 and current DCRP.
- Item 16 = layers containing TiO & K2O & DCRP or AC current.
- Figures 17 = layer contains CaO, K2O TiO2 SiO2 and SiO O DCRP or AC current.

Based on all the above explanation on how to read the meaning of the code on the welding wire, we can draw conclusions and apply to welding in the field / site.Finally, answered already, why construction welding, pipe and other steel industry uses electrode types E70xx and not E60xx.

Similarly, a brief explanation of how to read the code on the electrode Shield Metal Arc Welding (SMAW). I hope can help a fitter and welder on understanding the meaning of the code on the electrodes.

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